Keeping order...not!
The month of April has been warming up quite nicely and I have been hitting the books rather hard and resisting the urge to ditch the books to go out doors and play.
I have been praying more than usual, as of late, and God has given me a vision:
It was spring and warm and sunny out side. Just the look and feel of perfection, but this recently came about, before the spring it was winter, a cold desolate time with many a snow and rain storm. I get the feeling it was a miserable time.
Not very significant, right? you would say, Chris, those are just seasons. I would say that's only the first half of my vision. God continued to say:
"Your heart is like the turning of winter to spring and that is like a shadow being lifted from your heart and new life being planted in your spirit. It's going from a miserable place to being brought into a great place. It's leaving the darkness and living in the light."
Immediately after the vision I got excited. I have been feeling like I was on the edge of change. I feel like my vision is the release of change in my life. I know that things wont be easy all the time,but I'm looking forward to all that God has yet to do!
Disclaimer: sorry to all those who love winter, your feelings were not meant to be hurt 8-)
I have been praying more than usual, as of late, and God has given me a vision:
It was spring and warm and sunny out side. Just the look and feel of perfection, but this recently came about, before the spring it was winter, a cold desolate time with many a snow and rain storm. I get the feeling it was a miserable time.
Not very significant, right? you would say, Chris, those are just seasons. I would say that's only the first half of my vision. God continued to say:
"Your heart is like the turning of winter to spring and that is like a shadow being lifted from your heart and new life being planted in your spirit. It's going from a miserable place to being brought into a great place. It's leaving the darkness and living in the light."
Immediately after the vision I got excited. I have been feeling like I was on the edge of change. I feel like my vision is the release of change in my life. I know that things wont be easy all the time,but I'm looking forward to all that God has yet to do!
Disclaimer: sorry to all those who love winter, your feelings were not meant to be hurt 8-)