I had an amazing time tonight! I played with a brazilian worship team and they rock! The spirit of God came down so powerfuly. The lord touched many, including my self. We only got through three songs, at the last of the three, we must have played for a half hour and man God was moving. Honestly one powerful night. The kinda night you dont want to end. You know what I'am talking about! You couldnt have planed it if you tried.
My sinuses where healed today!! I got prayer from the prayer team after morning service and I can honestly say I am much better =D
On another God note, I was in three diffrent meetings today and all three hit on the same point. the multitude, the apostles, and the iner circle of three. The question was, which one are you?
My sinuses where healed today!! I got prayer from the prayer team after morning service and I can honestly say I am much better =D
On another God note, I was in three diffrent meetings today and all three hit on the same point. the multitude, the apostles, and the iner circle of three. The question was, which one are you?