Guitar updates!

I have been playing a ton of guitar lately. I took off most of 2018-2019, but I'm back in 2020! I sold a bunch of gear, created a new rig and picked up a new guitar. I currently play guitar at church and record music with a few friends. Here are some "current" pictures:

The black guitar is the sterling music man Albert lee. It's a nice guitar, but I will need to upgrade the pickups. The Silhouette Special (pearl sparkle) guitar was given to me by my dad for my 16th birthday. 
                                  My latest pedal board: Signal chain, Pog --> Spark --> Soul Food --> DD20 -->Slo

                   Nano+ board with the Pedaltrain Spark power supply.  This is by far the best pedal board I have ever owned! 

                                       Family Portrait: JP 50 with upgrades, Albert Lee, Silhouette Special, Strat

                     The strat has become the best guitar I have ever owned. It is a 62 reissue body, hardware and pickups. The neck is a 59 reissue C shape mighty might, licensed by Fender. 


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